Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Moments This Week

So many happy moments this week, but here are a few of my favorites:

View from the hills. I love the Jordan River Temple. Everyday, driving to and from work, I grin when I pass the temple. It's habitual for me to zoom by and glance over my shoulder to see my temple. It's always had a special spot in my heart. This week I took some time up on a hill overlooking the valley and the beautiful JR Temple. Those moments, when the world stops, you are surrounded by beauty and love, yeah, those moments are absolutely one of my happy moments.

I spent some time this weekend at my folks house relaxing. Saturday morning I woke up and headed outside to find my pa out in his yard pulling weeds. Imagine my surprise when I looked up and saw a mamma pygmi goat, two of her little ones, and a very confused (thinks he is a member of the goat family) rooster buddying up to my dad. These moments make my dad's days! He always pretends to be Mr. Rancher dude... we all know the truth. But living in a neigborhood where the neighbors goat runs free is pretty cool.


I walked into my friends office at work to show off my pedicure. We were oohing and aahing when a boy (client) laughed and said we hadn't seen anything yet. He slipped off his shoes and showed us his own pedicure. Through my many bouts of laughter, he was able to explain his sister had gotten hold of his toes over the weekend... who are we kidding, his toes topped ours! Three cheers for men who are willing to get a pedicure, and show it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really the love the tan lines LOL!